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 Jutsu Template

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Archangel Death God

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PostSubject: Jutsu Template   Jutsu Template EmptySat May 29, 2010 6:09 pm

Template for Custom Jutsus

There are several basic steps that you should take when you decide to make a new, custom jutsu. This site is one of the best sites around for the creation of jutsu- we allow you to create several things, ranging from custom bloodlines to new hand seals and to new custom abilities. I have decided to take the time to break it all down, though, since I know that creating a new jutsu, especially when faced by templates and rules, can be a somewhat daunting task. I’ve made some tips for everyone to consider when they are making jutsu, and I hope that you enjoy them.

First things first, I’m going to cover the basic Jutsu Template. It is located in several locations, but the easiest place to spot it at would be the Template Index. The Jutsu Template is a list of required information about your jutsu. It is asked and required of all jutsu to work through this template, meaning you are required to have all of this information written down before a jutsu will get accepted. You’re more than welcome to add additional information, but you’ll need to at least fill out the whole template to get accepted. Here is the template:


(Note: the B within the brackets is coding that allows the words within the brackets to show up bold.)

Now, I shall go by step by step and list all of the important details.


  • The Name of the jutsu is important because, obviously, you need to have a name for your attack. It can be in any language, but since this is a pre-dominantly English-speaking board, you’re also required to attach, in parenthesis () the name of the jutsu. Doing the name in another language adds some unique flavor to your jutsu, but it is not necessary. There are several online translators available for use in the production of names, and I will, at the end of this guide, give the link for the site that I use for translations.


  • E-S. The descriptions of the ranks are listed within the Jutsu Template Thread. Basically, though, E is the weakest and is used for the most basic of abilities, like fighting style stances. S is the most powerful, capable of doing acts that could almost be considered a miracle. There are several key factors that you should consider when you’re trying to decide on the Rank that your new jutsu should be. However, I have listed what I think are the three most important factors. 1) Killing Potential. 2) Difficulty Learning. 3) Amount of Chakra Used and/or Side Effects.

    • 1) Killing Potential. This is the most important thing to consider when creating your new jutsu. What’s the possibility of this ability killing your opponent? An E-Ranked ability has little possibility of doing so, as they are the most basic of abilities. An E-Rank will be easily counter-able and out-done. An S rank ability, on the other hand, is something deadly or dangerous. It’s guaranteed to turn the tide of a battle and make the opponent work hard to overcome it. Being hit with an S rank is almost guaranteed to send you into a world of hurt.
    • 2) Difficulty Learning. This plays some role into what Rank you should make your jutsu, but you shouldn’t base the rank entirely on it. If there is an effect that’s only as strong as a C rank would be but it would take a long time to learn it, you can always rank it as C and say that a technique requires “X” amount of training points, where X can be any number you set as long as it is more than 20.
    • 3) Amount of Chakra Used and/or Side Effects. This is a very important thing to consider when creating a jutsu. Big effects take a large amount of chakra. This can mean that you’re sitting there debilitated after using your technique for quite a while. It can be draining and exhausting. Beyond that, any adverse side effects that happen with the jutsu can make a rank more dangerous. The Shadow Clone by itself wouldn’t be such a high ranking ability if it didn’t come with such a huge drawback, effectively splitting your chakra in half for something that will dissipate with one solid, clean hit.


  • The Skill can be one of three things. Those things are Taijutsu, Genjutsu, and Ninjutsu. Sometimes people place things like Supplementary, Offensive, Defensive, or Kekkai Genkai, and so I’ll cover those after the three most important.

    • Taijutsu, which can simply be known as “Hand to Hand Combat Techniques”. It is any ability that requires you to be right up close to the opponent. The only exception to this is the Bowman Specialty, whose regular, non-enhanced shots are treated as Taijutsu. So, things that specifically involve punches, kicks, and simply melee is treated as Taijutsu.
    • Genjutsu, which can simply be known as “Illusionary Techniques”. They are techniques that effect the opponent’s or the user’s five senses. They normally have a debilitating effect, tricking the opponent’s mind into believe something. Touch, Taste, Sight, Smell, and Hearing are all that are normally effected, but sometimes the brain itself can be triggered into creating effects like paranoia and trust. Generally speaking, the more senses that the Genjutsu effects, the higher the rank of the Genjutsu. Genjutsus higher than “C” Rank cannot be countered with the Kai ability. Remember that when working with your Genjutsu.
    • Ninjutsu, which are known as “Ninja Techniques”. Ninjutsu use one of five basic elements (Fire (Katon), Water(Suiton), Earth (Doton), Wind (Fuuton), and Lightning (Raiton)) to attack. They perform this ability with the use of “Releases”, which give the user the ability to control the element that they have the Release for. Special uses of these abilities exist in rare cases, forming three “Releases” known as Ice (Hyouton), Sand (Saton), and Wood (Mokuton). Ice requires the knowledge of the Wind and Water Releases. Sand requires the knowledge of the Wind and Earth Releases, and Wood requires the use of Water and Earth Releases. More Releases can be created over time, and if they are, they will be added here. It is also possible to utilize pure chakra for effects, but that is normally treated as very difficult to do, since Chakra itself is purely energy and concentrating it enough to effect reality is treated as the most difficult of abilities.
    • Supplementary, Offensive, Defensive, Kekkai Genkai. These are not required to be listed, but some users do indeed like to list them. They go after you list what the major ability (Nin, Gen, Taijutsu) and display what type of effect it is. Supplementary means that it is an additive effect that has no offensive or defensive properties, it simply enhances something that you can already do. Offensive means that the ability is an offensive ability, meant to attack the opponent. Defensive means that it is a defensive ability, meant to defend yourself or your allies against an incoming attack. Finally, Kekkai Genkai, which is translated roughly as “Exceeding the Limit” and normally refers to Bloodline Abilities, as they are something that not everyone can do. However, it can be translated other ways, meaning that it has exceeded the current limit and placed a new one.


  • A dumbed-down version of the description. Here you list the most basic of effects, what the jutsu does, but you leave out the drawback and the whole list on how the technique occurs.


  • What you do to induce the technique. This can range from “Hand Seals”, which are physical movements of the hands to represent one of the twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac, to a certain way you move your weapon to several other things. About 98% of all abilities require a special, unless they are completely supplementary in nature.


  • This is what your ability does that can be considered negative towards you. A drawback is not required when you make your technique, but it should be noted that the higher Rank of the technique, the more chance exists that there should be a drawback. Most “C” Rank and higher abilities cannot get through the acceptance process without a drawback, although sometimes it does occur. Most drawbacks are simple to determine; they’re just something that makes sense, you know? The whole phrase “If you play with fire, sooner or later you’re going to get burned” comes into play here. If you’re really having trouble creating a drawback, you can go ahead and say so, and one of the staff will be more than willing to help you come up with one.

    • Note: Several abilities actually have several drawbacks. This is acceptable and, in some cases, required. That’ll be determined when the moderators get to your custom.


  • This is the area where you go through, step by step, listing your jutsu. You start by listing the special and what happens after that. Then, you list the effects of the jutsu and how they come about, finally ending with drawback and the end of the ability. This is normally the longest part of the entire justu and should be very detailed.


  • The requirement for what your ability uses. If it is an elemental ability, then it requires the corresponding elemental releases. If it is a jutsu that you have invented solely for your character, then you will be required to buy a scroll of the corresponding Rank to learn it. If it is a universal ability, then you can learn the technique for free. Consider that when making your technique.

A list of Websites that I use:

I hope this clears up some of the questions about the jutsu creation process. If you have any questions or concerns, just contact a staff member and they will be more than willing to help.

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